Papa celebrates his brithday.....we won't say which one.
Andrew gives his first piano lesson to cousin Jack
Andrew and Amber process down the isle......
Andrew, his cousins and the Grandparents
Andrew poses with his God Parents
Charlie congratulates Andrew outside
The 2005 First Communicants at Junipero Serra
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Andrew wins third place at the Carmel Art's a Bird!
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Emily counts her eggs from the Easter Bunny
Andrew shares his birthday with Uncle Marcus
Open House at Christine's school....Christine introduces one of her best friends to Dad
A view of San Francisco from the USS Hornet.....
Group photo after the flag ceremony on the morning of the last day aboard the USS Hornet
Andrew stands beside the first footsteps of Neil Armstrong after returning to earth after walking on the moon......The USS Hornet was responsible for retrieving the space capsule once it returned to earth
Andrew takes a seat in the cockpit of an F-14 Tomcat
Andrew stays onboard the USS Hornet....The only carrier to survive the Battle of Midway